Go Organic...Sometimes

Go Organic...Sometimes

Buying organic products has become extremely popular recently.  More Americans are buying organic now than ever before.  Critics may call it a trend that will fade; but in most cases, it’s here to stay!  While price is the main reason for consumers to hesitate on buying organic, confusion on which products to buy is the second main reason.  You may not know what you should buy organic to better your health and when it’s ok to skip the organic label to save your money.  To help you narrow the choices, we’ve compiled a list of the most important things to buy organic.

  1. Fruits with Edible Skins

Apples are regularly the top offenders for pesticides, especially in the skin which is the healthiest part to eat. A price perk to buying organic apples is that they have one of the lowest price differences between organic and nonorganic.

Berries have soft skin that is heavily exposed and unprotected. Internationally sourced blueberries actually have less contamination than those grown in America, and strawberries are difficult to wash pesticides from because of the crevices in their skin.

    1. Vegetables with Edible Skins

    Leafy greens especially are highly susceptible to pesticides and are sprayed with the most highly toxic ones allowed to be used. If you aren’t buying them organic, they should be cooked before eaten.

    Whether you consider tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable makes no difference to the nutritional impact of buying them organically. Organic tomatoes have almost double the concentration of healthy flavonoids compared to nonorganic.

    Conventional cucumbers are coated in a wax that holds in pesticides and is impossible to wash off. Organic cucumbers not only omit the harmful pesticides but also omit the wax.

    The average American eats about 142 pounds of potatoes a year, about a potato a day. Considering how many potatoes we consume in all their many forms and the fact that they contain more pesticides per weight to any other fruit or vegetable, it’s a simple decision to go organic. 

      1. Milk
      Hormones given to cows to make them produce more milk are passed on to the person drinking it. The majority of estrogens you consume is in your dairy products.  Look for milk labeled rBST free.  This hormone increases the risk of cancer and is already banned in Europe and Canada
        1. Meat

        Organic meat is not only hormone and antibiotic free but also the more humane option. Animals on organic farms are given more space, allowed to graze, fed natural feed, and generally live a happy, healthy life.

        Beef is the most important meat to buy organic. Breast cancer is strongly connected to the hormones given to cattle.  The USDA believes the antibiotics given to cows may lead to an antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the people consuming it. 

          1. Cookware
          Nonstick cookware contains a chemical that becomes toxic fumes when heated. They can coat your lungs and cause symptoms common to those with allergies.  Switch your cookware to stainless steel, ceramic, or cast iron. 
            1. All-Purpose Cleaning Products
            Some cleaning products contain chemicals that will irritate your skin, eyes, or respiratory tract. There are even cleaners with phthalates that affect hormones, specifically in children who are still developing.  The cleaning products you use the most should be natural.
              1. Food and Water Containers
              BPA increases the risk of breast cancer and reduces sperm count. If you go plastic, make sure it is BPA free.  Your best options though are to go with glass for food storage or stainless steel for on-the-go beverages.
                1.  Fabrics
                You spend nearly your entire life draped in fabrics, whether it is your clothing or your bedding.  Because of the amount of time spent in fabric, you should research your clothing and bedding products before purchasing them.  If you do not purchase organic, purchase from companies with textile certifications that avoid chemicals.  At the very least, avoid fabrics that are labeled as easy-care or wrinkle-free as they have been treated with formaldehyde resin, a well-known carcinogen.  We find it so important that you have quality, safe bedding.  That’s why Simply Organic Bedding is made from organically grown 100% bamboo viscose and OEKO-TEX® certified free of harmful chemicals.   

                  You don’t have to purchase every organic product on the market.  Research the products you use the most often.  If you live in an area where you have the option to buy locally, take advantage of it!  Your choices today are building a better future for your family tomorrow.

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